Are Beer Cans Coming Back?

Are Beer Cans Coming Back?

Are canned beers coming back? Have you noticed some well-known and respected, gourmet beer companies—ones that only used to offer bottles—starting to offer cans of their beer? For example: Fat Tire (New Belgium Brewery) only ever came in the bottle up until about a year or two ago. And suddenly, they are now offering cases in the can? There is a good reason for this change actually: taste. Let’s delve into it shall we? Canned Beer Versus Bottled Beer The debate rages on: which is better? Canned beer or bottled beer? This has been an ongoing argument since nearly a hundred years back when beers were first starting to get bottled in glass and aluminum. From the argumentative side that aluminum is bad for your memory, to the environmental side that both aluminum and glass can significantly impact our planet and ecosystems. But, in truth, canned beer is actually being deemed a better tasting beer than bottled beer. Why? Simple: canned beer protects the beer from becoming tainted by rampant rays of sunlight. Why do you think that beer bottles are colored dark brown? Not to hide the way that the beer looks, but to protect the taste of the beer from being changed by UV rays! What do you Think? Which do you think is better…canned or bottled beer? Think of the best beers that you have ever drank, and if you can recall, were they canned or bottled? Which beer tasted better and why? Did the beer in the bottle have more flavors, or did the canned beer offer a better taste? I can think of quite a few different beers that actually taste better out of the can than the bottle. Case and point: Dale’s Pale Ale, one of the costliest gourmet beers, and it only comes in the can!  The Virtues of Canned Beer Contrary to popular belief, canned beer is actually coming back and is considered by many top micro-brewers to be a better tasting and a more preserved method of storing beer. But don’t just take our word for it! Check out this awesome video below which features some of the top brewers in the world and why they have decided to start crafting many of their signature beers in the can only. You might be surprised at how much that you learn in this very informative video. In short: canned beer is coming back, it does taste better, and some of finest and the priciest beers in the world only come in the can now! Who would have ever thought?