An Unlikely Frozen Combination: Everclear and Otter Pops!

An Unlikely Frozen Combination: Everclear and Otter Pops!

When it comes to house parties and hosting larger groups of friends who love to drink, I have had many under my belt and on my partying resume. So along the way I have learned a few great tricks that are sure to please your guests! This time around I would like to share with you a little known mix drink, actually a frozen highball that will get you drunker than sin and tastes oh so delicious and smooth going down! Why it Tastes so Good I never thought that one of the most potent drinks on the planet could taste good in anything but my car’s gas tank! However, Ever Clear actually tastes quite good in Otter Pops. Perhaps the odd mixture of sugar and alcohol or for some odd reason they just culminate perfectly, like a Long Island Iced Tea. The fact of the matter, when it comes down to it all, however, is that it tastes great and you barely taste the liquor. The ultimate frozen party highball! Cool Party Idea I tried this out for a house party that I hosted for my younger brother's 21st birthday and it worked marvelously. You need one of those huge packs of Otter Pops frozen popsicles. You will also need a syringe and a huge bottle of Ever Clear. You can buy large packages of Otter Pops and the Ever Clear at any Sam’s or bulk item grocery store. Do not freeze them right away. Instead, inject one shot (1 ounce) of Ever Clear into each pop and then use scotch tape to place over the injection spot. Then freeze, serve and enjoy responsibly!  Bill Cosby’s Take on Drinking Hard Alcohol Little known to many people out there, Mr. Cosby loves a good drink. But when he talks about it to large audiences, it gets even funnier, sometimes even a bit out of hand. One thing is for sure: people love their liquor. Take it away and they go crazy. However, allow them to enjoy it and regulate it, and you have one hell of a happy place to call the world. And would you even be here at this site right now reading my many posts if you did not enjoy a good, stiff drink from time to time? I thought not. So kick back and relax and see what drinking means through the eyes of one of the most hilarious comedians to ever walk he planet earth!