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Welcome to the Video Dumping Ground, a place for me to let you in on the better crop of videos going around on the Internet recently. I spent some time working for the Internet Factory, in which time I traveled the nooks and the crannies of the video world. If surfing YouTube is too tedious for you, let me show you what's happening in video.

I am an aficionado of film, a dog owner, a husband, a voracious reader, a fandom nerd and a cyborg. One of those might not be true. 

I am a man with more opinions than you would care to hear. I obsess over sci-fi/fantasy books, british television, comic books, and the show Community. I have a Twitter, a Tumblr and I co-host a weekly film review podcast, The MacGuffin. I would love to hear how you disagree with me, just so I can tell you how wrong you are.