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House Rejects Payroll Tax Extension and Jobless Benefits

What do we call a child that has to have it his way, and only his way? Spoiled? Self Indulgent? Egocentric? Whatever you call it, it seems that our House of Representatives is acting in such a way.  Today they had an opportunity to do what was right for many Americans and chose not to.  The Republican-led House today rejected a bipartisan Senate-passed bill that extends a payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits for two months.

So, what does that mean? It means that 160 million Americans will see a tax increase while about 2.2 million long-term unemployed will see their benefits disappear. Furthermore, Medicare payments to physicians also will drop, raising concerns that doctors will limit care to seniors.

Once again, the House is acting like a spoiled child.  It is interesting to note that the word spoiled means to damage severely or harm; to diminish or impair the quality of; affect detrimentally; plunder; pillage. Sounds like that is what the House is doing – damaging, harming, and acting detrimentally to many Americans.  Their constant refusal to work together in a way that is helpful for America shows a level of incompetence and lack of concern for those people they are supposed to represent.  House Republicans  desire to block any piece of legislation that Democrats will even consider, is similar to that of a child that has to have it his way.  I would hope over this holiday season, a little bit of charity and concern would be of interest to our politicians, but it seems that politics doesn’t break for people.