A Strong America Means Starting Here and Now

A Strong America Means Starting Here and Now

Ron Paul grasps the concept of national defense

"If we want to go to war...  you fight it and you win it and you get it over with.  We don't go to war like we did in Vietnam and Korea, because the wars never end."*  This quote by Ron Paul, and his entire platform on national defense, shows he has a solid grasp on strengthening America.


Strengthening America can only come from the inside.  Those of us who have seen the endless tolls taken from seemingly-endless, ongoing wars realize this.  Whether or not one believes the wars in the Middle East were justified when they began, any possible legitimate reason has long since ended.  Those of us who have seen the consequences of the United States military being sent to deal with issues that do not directly concern the United States, realize this.  Using the United States military as "babysitters" around the globe benefits no one.


Barack Obama has been doing a dandy job of using the military in his quest to get reelected.  He has made promises, keeping only a portion of them;  and it has all been effectively timed to coincide with the months leading up to his potential reelection.  Neither is acceptable. 


Anyone who is old enough, and was involved enough, to remember the Vietnam war should know this.  There was no legitimate reason for the United States military to be in Vietnam, much less for involvement to continue for well over a decade.  There is no legitimate reason for the current involvement in Afghanistan, or for the military to be placed in various other locations waiting for something to happen.  Those of us who fully believe a strong America means eliminating military involvement in issues that do not constitute any threat to the United States must make a point of voting for Ron Paul in 2012.