Conservative Media Reels At Newt

Conservative Media Reels At Newt

Now that Newt has won one, the conservative media and republican pendants are reeling.  Newt has ritualistically attacked the media, so it is no wonder that the media attacks back.  However, the segment of media that is attacking back comes from the right.  Newt Gingrich better hope voters don’t read the Drudge Report or the National Review or the American Spectator or Ann Coulter. If they do, Gingrich comes off looking like a dangerous, anti-Reagan, disingenuous fraud.

Newt is Anti-Reagan

The Drudge Report stated: “Insider: Gingrich repeatedly Insulted Reagan.”  Elliott Abrams, wrote in the National Review, that Gingrich had a long record of criticizing and undermining Reagan’s most transformative policies. The American Spectator’s R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.’s wrote,  “William Jefferson Gingrich…Newt and Bill are 1960s generation narcissists, and they share the same problems: waywardness and deviancy.” And, Ann Coulter warns: “Re-elect Obama, Vote Newt!”


Erratic Leadership

 Tom DeLay, one of Gingrich’s colleagues during the Republican revolution of the 1990s, called Gingrich “erratic” and “not really a conservative” in a radio interview with KTRH.  DeLay said: “He’s not really a conservative. I mean, he’ll tell you what you want to hear. He has an uncanny ability, sort of like Clinton, to feel your pain and know his audience and speak to his audience and fire them up. But when he was speaker, he was erratic, undisciplined.”


So, with the dissent from the right starting to pour in, it seems that Newt has very few supporters.  Well, very few from his own party and from the conservative media.  And, while his popular support base has dwindled a little, he still has a good possibility of winning Florida.  Is it because he is the anti-Romney, or is it really Newt they like?  Who knows, but it continues to tear the Republican party up and provide Democrats with fodder for the general election.