
For all things writing, check out www.writing.com. Writing.com is a website available for aspriring and current writers to read about other writers and rate them based on how you like the blog that they are writing. One thing I like about this website is the "plug page". They tell you to be shameless and go ahead and plug yourself or someone else's work. I think I will plug realbook.com on the site to see how it works. I'd like to link writing.com to this site because a lot of the people who come here would love to have a writing site they could go to for writing tips and help.www.writing.com. is definitely a cool website you should check out if you need some help with your writing, or if you just want a place to surf and check out cool blogs.

Ethical Philosophy

Have you ever wondered about philosophy? Did you take it in college and not remember it, or did you fail to learn about philosophy throughout the ages. Some people just don't care. The blog for Wil Cone, Moyen Age has information on Wil Cone's ethical philosophy as well as links for you to take a quiz to find out yours as well. Come to this site to find out what Wil Cone is currently reading, or has read in the past. Get some insight into what kind of reading material a medievalist would be reading. Expand your mind and try to take in something other than what you're used to. Check out Moyen Age and add it to your favorite blog list!

Wicked Heat

There are tons of romance authors with blogs out there, and I'm going to try to post every single one I can find. Wicked Heat is a blog I found by romance author Paige Burns. Travel with her on an adventure into discovering her own sexual identity while she embarks on a erotic romance writing career. In her blog she admits that she is not as experienced in sex as one may guess from reading her novels. However, she also lets us know she's looking at trying new things to get a more authentic look at what she's writing about. Good luck! I bet your writing will get better and better with more new and interesting experiences!

Dave Clapper

Dave Clapper is a fellow Seattleite and the founding editor of SmokeLong Quarterly, a published magazine of flash fiction stories that take less than 10 minutes to read (or the time it takes one to finsih a cigarette). His blog which you can find on blogspot discusses other similar publications as well as SmokeLong quarterly. Apparently SmokeLong Quarterly, according to Dave's blog, is picking up a lot of great reviews. They now have 3 years worth of publications! I'm going to have to see if I can find this magazine somewhere around town. I'm really digging the artwork he has up on the SmokeLong Quarterly website, it's really cool. It's great to see other people in Seattle working their way through the writing world. Keep it up Dave!

Southern Expressions

Southern Expressions is the blog of a 22 year old of young adult and horror fiction novels. Her name is Andrea Allison, and she is from Oklahoma. She has an excellent blog right now regading prepositions and their usage. She also has several links to other writers as well as writing links. This is a great page to read if you need some help with your writing skills. We can all use a little refresher once in a while too. Southern Expressions will give you a little nudge in the write direction.

The Lost Fort

The Lost Fort is the blog of Gabriele Campbell who lives in Germany. She is a historical fiction writer with several upcoming novels including books in her Endangered Frontiers series: The Charioteer, Towards the Kingdom of Tolosa, and The Burgundian. She also has other novels including Storm over Hadrian's Wall and Kings and Rebels. Take a trip back into a fictitious character in history and live in a world you can only imagine. Check out Gabriele's blog at The Lost Fort .

Stealing Heaven

Stealing Heaven from the Lips of God is a novel by writer Dee Rimbaud who writes from varios locations throughout Europe. From the sound of what I've read thus far on his blog and about his writing, this should be very interesting..... His blog links to his novel Stealing Heaven from the Lips of God, a collection of poetry, Dropping Ecstasy with the Angels, has a cover tha looks like a very surreal hallucination.

Dee Rimbaudwrites for the "chemical generation". This generation includes a set of people that have delved into a world of alternate reality with such drugs as LSD (Acid) and Ecstasy. It will be interesting to see how the "chemical generation" of today differentiates from the hippie movement back in the 1960's or the drug era of the 1970's. What makes people different now? I know at least the people in the United States seem much more apathetic. Anyone under the age of 25 has never known scarcity. It's a strange world we live in this day and age. I would love to read more of this blog to find out what kind of voice he has and where he takes these writings.

Books 4 Katrina

Hi All! One of our featured writers, Cathlynn Richard Dodson, mentioned that she had sent some of her books to the different libraries down in New Orleans. What a great idea! I tend to forget that people lost pretty much everything down there, and that includes all of the books in the local libraries. If anyone would like to inquire about making book donations to the NOLA libraries, here is a website from NYFA (New York Foundation for the Arts) where you can find addresses to contact in order to donate. Thanks for the information Cate, what a great idea!


I went to school in Minnesota for film and telecommunications and had an interest in screenwriting. Of course I haven't done it in years, but when I landed on this blog today, it made me remember how much fun it is to see your vision up on the 'big' screen (or in my case small screen). I think I will frequent this blog to try to rekindle my interest in writing for the screen. This blog, Poetry in Motion is written by a stay at home mome coping with having two teenagers. Knowing what I was like as a teen, which wasn't incredibly long ago, I don't know how mom's can do it. It's definitely an intense age to be....

Dana Biscottie Myskowski is a professor of screenwriting at the University of New Hampshire and is currently working on a tv series that she is about to pitch. I'm rooting for her. TV has hit a slump, so it will be nice to see something new and exciting!

Romantic Comedian

Finally I've landed on someone from right here in the PacNW! Daisy Dexter Dobbsis an author currently calling the Pacific Northwest her home. She is an author of romantic comedy novels as well as erotic novels. Daisy's books include Wicked Payback, Polly's Perilious Pleasures, Just like a Dame, Caroline's Christmas Viking. If you like reading books filed with erotic situations and hot steamy sex, maybe you should check out what she has to offer!
