Will the Health Care Coverage Issue Affect Obama's Chance of Reelection?

Will the Health Care Coverage Issue Affect Obama's Chance of Reelection?

there is more than one way to look at this issue

President Obama's recent flip-flopping on the health care coverage issue will likely cause him to lose votes and gain votes, based on what the voters think about the particular issue.


Naturally, I have an entirely different way of looking at it.  Rather than whether employers should be forced to provide insurance coverage for certain types of health care which they may believe is wrong, I see the topic as employers seriously overstepping their bounds. Whether a person works for a hospital that is in the hands of a specific religious group or any other workplace, no employee should be in the position of catering to the "values" of his or her employer.


If I can add: I have seen advertisements for two businesses, both stating they will not hire people who smoke cigarettes. Neither company had religious backing, and neither stated health concerns as a reason for this requirement. Instead, the companies stated that smoking is not in tune with their "values."


An employee's personal decisions and way of life, as long as they do not interfere with doing his or her job properly, should not need to take employers' beliefs into consideration. When it comes to health care, the decisions about what is and is not necessary for an individual should be entirely up to the insurance companies.


Either way, recent events will probably have an impact on the 2012 election. Which way it will eventually go, though, is anybody's guess. I, personally, think it is going to be very close.