Romney loses ground as Santorum picks up speed...

Romney loses ground as Santorum picks up speed...

But Obama still leads the race.

Rick Santorum continues to rise in the polls.  It seems that some people appreciate that he actually sticks to his views.  Even though his views are often somewhat antiquated and extreme right, Mr. Santorum will not compromise on his moral beliefs.  Can you image it? A candidate with a moral center is actually seeing more in the Republican party move his direction.  Is this really about Santorum’s views? Or is another push on the most likely anti-Romney candidate?

Mitt Romney has lost his vital advantage. It is no longer evident that he is the Republican with the best chance of defeating President Obama.  Romney has never been completely trusted or liked by the GOP right.  But until now, there was enough of them willing to look past their doubts and consider Romney because he was the one candidate who had the best shot at beating President Obama.  This isn’t true anymore.  With each primary and caucus Romney’s image has suffered damage.  And, while he is running little better than Rick Santorum in matchups with the president, both of them are losing.

As long as Newt Gingrich was his main competitor, Romney had was clearly the most electable.  But Santorum is considered closer to the convictions of many Republicans and say that since he is more or less equally strong against the president, many conservatives are swinging his way. Romney is probably praying for a partial Gingrich comeback with hopes that Gingrich will start concentrating his negativity on Santorum.  Romney  must also hope that the Obama campaign will unload on Santorum.

The inevitability of a Romney candidacy is starting to dissipate.  Yet, even if the pendulum swings back in his direction, Mitt Romney must still face Obama and that will be a tough road as the economy continues to slowly improve.