I will say this outright – I don’t enjoy political discourse. Not because it is not important (I think it is), or that it boring and unentertaining (OK, it can be those things but in general it is not), but that it brings out the worst in people. Especially people entrenched into believing that their side is the only correct side. And with the way it was shaping up between the two major parties, there was more infighting and disharmony between voters than between the incumbent and challenger. It left nothing but negativity and so just even engaging in it left me feeling drained and tired.
So I pledged to do my civic duty and vote. I was lucky to have arrived at a quiet time at my polling station as the given picketers were placed a bit away from the door quietly holding signs, the staff inside were generally nice and me and my SO voted in those electronic booth things. We were in and out in less than 30 minutes.
But after that, we went home. We stopped a bit to talk but we were both now ready to simply lose ourselves in fantasy. This meant logging onto World of Warcraft and slaying Internet Dragons. We wanted to avoid the firestorm that was brewing. Either the person we voted for will win or not. Low key. No shouting.