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Meximo70. Was born in honolulu, hawa'ii back in 1970. My father is Irish and my mother is Maori, which leaves me prone to drink whiskey, fight and cry. I have been writing since age 6 with science fiction stories in an old memo notebook. "Captain Epic vs. The Muh-Beeples" was the first popular story with my classmates and the adventures grew from there. S.E. Hinton and J.D. Salinger influenced me greatly in my early teens and my stories became more angst ridden than flights of fancy. Jim Morrison, Roger Waters, and Bono taught me how to write poetry which turned into songs and Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and Rod McKuen introduced me to beat poetry.
I currently have two books of beat poetry published: "Reflect Shuns in a Broken Mirror" and "Another Sliver of Madness". Both published by PublishAmerica. I have a forthcoming book called "Midnight Snacks: a horror anthology" which should see print next year sometime.
Now living in the wintery tundra of Southern Minnesota and usually writing a letter to Al Gore in February asking him to explain where this "global warming" is actually taking place.