
The Craigslist Files #170 - Looking for a friend

When you’re all alone, look no further than Craigslist to find someone to hang out with

One thing that many people overlook on Craigslist is a handy little area in the Community section called “Activities.”  This is the place where lonely people can come to find someone to hang out with, sports teams can find an extra for their weekend game and people with strange hobbies can find other, like-minded individuals with which to share their strangeness.  You need be lonely no more, for there is almost certainly someone out there that would be willing to join you in their spare time.  Right?

Well, I guess it depends on what you’re looking for.

I’ve collected four of the more entertaining ads from “Activities” that cover a range of desires - some more appropriate to this section than others.  But as you shall see by scrolling down, there are some people who may never find a buddy to hang out with.


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