Trump Endorses...

Trump Endorses...

Looking forward to the 2016 Presidential Apprentice TV show

Late Wednesday Donald Trump said that he would make a major announcement Thursday morning. The wires reported that the Donald was all set to endorse Republican Newt Gingrich for President.  Newt had agreed to take part in the later defunct debate hosted by Trump.  Both Gingrich and Trump are seen as outside the Republican mainstream, so it seemed appropriate that the endorsement would go as reported. But, alas, it wasn’t to be.

While Newt’s campaign staffers were leaking this incorrect assumption, the Romney campaign knew they had actually bagged Trump's endorsement.  Another black eye for Newt.  But, does this endorsement really do anything for Romney or against Gingrich?  Some of Sarah Palin’s supporters who also have a love affair with Trump may float Romney’s way.  But, I doubt many will jump firmly behind Romney because of this.  More likely, this was Trump's final chance to insert himself into the presidential contest and declare victory for himself by supporting the presumed candidate.

So, what’s next? Maybe in 2016 Trump will host the Presidential Apprentice TV show.  Can you imagine…eight (or twelve or sixteen) candidates vying to become President of the United States.  Half are on the Team Elephant.  Half on Team Donkey.  Besides debates and campaign stumping, they are also competing to see who raises the most money.  Of course, with RoseAnn Barr throwing herself into the Presidential mix for the Green Party – we’d have to have some celebrity-turned-politician on each of the teams.  The final candidate on each team would then be forced to compete in a twist ending reminiscent of Survivor where they must live in poverty with no government assistance for a period of time so we can glean the true nature of the candidates.  The finale would consist of a nationwide vote for a President who would serve as apprentice to Chief of Staff Trump!  Yikes, is that where American Democracy  is heading?