
Hot weather tips for Sheltie owners

Ah, summer. Who doesn’t love to be outside on a warm sunny day? As a Sheltie lover, you probably enjoy outdoor activities with your loyal friend, and you’re probably aware that with their warm fur coats, Shelties can easily overheat. A few sensible precautions can help keep your Shetland Sheepdog safer in hot weather. 


During hot, sunny weather, dogs will naturally seek out shade, especially if they can lie on cool grass. If your Sheltie needs to be outside when its warm, be sure to offer plenty of deep shade, and cool ground or flooring. 


Cool, fresh water is also essential. You may want to add a few ice cubes to keep your dog’s water cool for a longer time. Make sure you dog has plenty, as she may drink more than usual in an effort to keep cool. 


Fans can also help cool your dog if you lack air conditioning. Naturally, you’ll want to place the fans where the dog can’t knock them over. Also, be careful that the fan’s air movement isn’t too strong, because that may be irritating for your dog. If you need to be outside with your dog,  you can purchase small, battery operated fans. Be sure to have spare batteries on hand. 


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