Pick Your Issues, Pick Your Candidate

Pick Your Issues, Pick Your Candidate

glad to see Ron Paul topping the polls

When one is very liberal on some issues and very conservative on other issues, it's virtually impossible to find one candidate who is eye-to-eye on everything.  It comes to a choice between sitting out the elections entirely, or focusing on what one feels is the most important issue, and hoping to not feel like a sellout.  It is for this reason I'm glad to see Ron Paul is currently at the top in Iowa.


While I disagree strongly with some of Ron Paul's views, and even more on his ideas of giving more power to individual states, his stand on the military is the reason he will probably be getting my vote in the 2012 election.  While other popular GOP candidates (such as Bachmann and Perry) are using their gripes about gay marriage and similar topics on which they would like to influence the entire United States of America, Ron Paul's stand on the military shows his concerns are about taking positive action.


Between the Air Force and Air National Guard, Ron Paul has five years of military experience.  Unlike Bachmann, Perry, Obama, and others, he is also old enough to have seen and experienced the consequences of war-gone-out-of-control.  Currently, he is the only candidate stressing the need to bring all of the troops home, and to not send more.  Ron Paul evidently does not think turning the globe into a military zone is a good idea--  and I believe he is right.  At this point in time, especially, the United States does not need a president who has no first-hand knowledge;  and Ron Paul is the only candidate who has both the knowledge and the courage to put it into action.