The Great Divide

The Great Divide

How the Republicans Are Tearing Up Their Presidential Chances.

Who isn’t gunning for Mitt Romney? The evangelical wing of the Republican party doesn’t like the fact that he’s Mormon.  The conservatives don’t like that he was a leading capitalist. The libertarian wing doesn’t like – well they don’t like anything about Mitt Romney.  Who likes Mitt?

Seeing the inevitable nomination of Mitt Romney, 150 conservative activists who gathered in Texas have decided to give their support to former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. This, in an effort to halt Romney’s advance.  What will really happen is the splitting of social conservatives’ votes among several candidates.  The result would allow Romney to sail his way to victories in South Carolina, Florida and at the convention.

In further developments, As Newt Gingrich continues his assault on Romney’s tenure at Bain Captial, critics such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others to rally to Romney’s defense.  Despite the validity of Gingrich’s concerns, it seems that Newt’s whining has only made him look desparate and his numbers continue to drop in South Carolina.

So…It comes down to one question: Are the right wing nuts of the republican party willing to give up everything by ruining their top contender and turning off moderate voters, thereby  insuring the reelection of Obama?

These individuals are like kids who throw a tantrum when their parents agreed to buy them a single dip ice cream cone, but they wanted a double dip. So, they threw a fit when they could not have what they wanted. And what ends up happening? The parents bought neither one!