A Side of Hypocrisy With Your Vegetables

Why do some vegetarians insist on trying to recreate the flavors of animal products with pathetic substitutes like Tofurky and tempeh, just to name a couple. I thought the whole point of being a vegetarian was to reject the consumption of animal flesh and it's by-products. If you choose to be a vegetarian, be a true vegetarian and leave the fleshy desires to the carnivores! It seems hypocritical to me to that people who purposely go out of their way to avoid eating meat, would choose to eat a meat-like substance. Why not embrace the vegetables and the legumes? Does anyone else agree?

health food

It seems the trend is health food but even the health food is turn into fast food. How can a heathy meal be whipped up in 20 seconds?

Prayer for the Dead.....

Why pray for the dead.... It says in the Bible that they cannot get from one place to another...

the Cure's 13th

So the Cure drop the thirteenth album of their career in September, but before that they're releasing a new single every thirteenth of the month. It seems quite gimmicky, especially for an established and well-respected group of artists such as them. Has anyone heard of this? Or heard the new singles? It doesn't change my opinion of them but it does make me wonder how some other fans feel about this, and is it indicative of a possible demise for a band that's been around for thirty years?

No Subject

i am a 22 year old female with blonde hair green eyese,i atand 5'7,i live in MI,USA

Interested in modeling

I'm currently a full time college student with a full time job, looking to try modeling as a hobby, or maybe something more!

Welcome to the Female Zone

Hello ladies! Welcome to the Female Zone, your community for all women-related topics. It's a tough world for women these days, but then again hasn't it always been? We divide our time with tight schedules, demanding workloads, and our own needy families, at the end of the day there's not much left of ourselves. Well take a breather and vent! Reclaim your Girl Power at the Female Zone and chat about the things that matter to you. Whatever is on your mind, this is the place to express yourself and be heard!


I love eating at Piecoras on 14th and Madison Street, Capitol Hill, Seattle! They have great pizza, and the best eggplant dish ever!


I am wondering if anyone has tryed the tofurky meal. I am considering it for Thanksgiving and want some honest opinions of how it tastes. I refuse to cook a turkey this year for my family, so I am looking for an alternative. Thanks for any advice

Welcome to the Cure Experience

This is your community for fans of the greatest band to come out of the U.K. ever!! Share stories and experiences related to this dynamic band.
