Hello i am 21 and looking to join modeling

now what is really going on!!!!

i rechecked my cc info. ooops! i did make an error. fixed that now it's telling the billing address doesn't match cardholder address. Now this is just too much. the address IS the SAME. WHAT'S GOING ON!!! Please can some help me.........please!!

Dreaming to be a Playboy or Victoria's secret model!!!

I would love anything in the world to model and would do almost anything it takes. I'm a white, 18 year old with redish,blondish,brownish hair. I am 5' 10'' and weigh 135lbs. my measurements are 34,27,37. If interested PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE e-mail me. I'd love you forever.

No Subject

i would like info. on a tablet that i was told was hydrocodone. it doesn't have the usual markings. it has the letters ESB on it, it is a rounded, oval elongated pill. any info. would be appreciated.


I think just about everyone who visits these boards has either been scammed, or has first hand knowledge of sites or individuals who have taken advantage of people over the years. If you've ever visited Drugbuyers.com, they have a "blacklist". Recently, some people on this board were taken in by medicalgroupusa.Would anyone care to jon me in creating a 'blacklist' for this forum to prevent further crap?

Love Breyer? Love Horses?

Than welcome to Breyer Horse Chat! Please visit us often for the latest on the world of Breyer.

litter box

Our 10.5 year old cat has decided to use other areas of the house for her litter box. I'm concerned it may be a medical problem - however - not sure what. Her behaviors have not changed (ie - showing signs of illness). I have even carried her downstairs to the litter boxes but she seems scarred and nervous. HELP!

Ded Moroz for Olympic Mascot

Have you ever heard of Ded Moroz? Well, me neither - but in their apparent eagerness to usher in the era of the 2014 Winter Olympics, the residents of Sochi, Russia jumped the gun a wee bit and held a very unofficial referendum regarding potential mascots. Under consideration were the easily recognizable snowflake, polar bear, & dolphin. Rounding out the list is a figure that will be unfamiliar to many: Ded Moroz. Ded Moroz is a mythological figure with a fascinating history. Similar in appearance and function to Santa Claus, Ded swept onto the scene as giver of gifts in the late 19th century by beating back fierce competition to be Russia's non-church affiliated annual giver of gifts (yes, I know this description really destroys the magic of it all). It was a competition in which he trounced poor Saint Nick and many many others. Like Saint Nick, there is a strong association with Winter and Ded Moroz is often considered a 'Father Winter' figure. None of this is to say that Ded did not walk a long road to fame prior to the 19th century. Indeed, his roots extend far back to pagan traditions. Flashing forward to March 2008 - Ded Moroz for Olympic mascot? Ded's climb to the the top seems to have stalled. Sochi residents squelched Ded's ambitions this March when they voted for the doplhin on skis as the Olympic mascot. I am a little disappointed - Ded could have been one of the most interesting and educational mascots in recent memory. Then again, the early renderings of the Ded mascot lead me to think that a sizable chunk of the world would be left wondering what Santa is doing at the Olympics. It is not entirely over for Ded however - the official decision on the 2014 mascot will not be decided until 2011 at the earliest. Vote Ded! For More Information: Photo by Rogue Soul under creative commons attribution 2.0 license.

Looking for a great song

Hi! I am going to enter this dance competition and I am in desperate need of a great song to wow the judges with! If anyone has a collection of ideas, they would be very helpful for me :) Thank you so much!

five tooth bridge

Can someone help me with some dental advice. I need a five tooth bridge, upper center mouth. One dentist said implants would be best, and one other dentist says he does 5 tooth bridges in front all the time and they last. Is this true? Does a 5 tooth bridge have a chance to survive since those are your biting an apple teeth. thank you
