Is my cat male or female

I just found a kitten that I want to keep but I can not tell if it is a male or female. How do you tell? With dogs it is easy but with cats I have no idea

Will the true Bible please stand up?

Is there a Bible that the mormons believe to be true? Without a doubt. Or do you believe that the entire Bible is mistranslated? I must wonder, because you use verses from the Bible but than claim it is wrong. But the verses that you use for your docterine is right. This really confuses me, either the word of God is true, all true, or it is false and not worth the paper it is written on. Please what Bible do you belive in?

Get healthier and relax!

I'm a massage therapist and holistic healer here in Cambridge. Anyone reading this gets their first session at half price! It's great for stress, sore muscles and back problems. Contact me at


This is jason from central California never tried modeling. My girlfriend says I am photogenic and really wants me to give it a shot. I'm 26 enjoy skiing and traveling. Not sure how to start this adventure any tips would help. Caucasian, 6'1" blonde hair green eyes, weight 178 slim and muscular build, defined jaw line.


Hello! My name is Nichole and I live in the wonderful city of New Orleans. I am a very outgoing teen. I am in great shape and enjoy being in the lime light. One day I hope to have the chance to be a model, maybe you could help. When you decide you are intrestead e-mail me at

Help Please

i got a kitten and my older cat Chipper HATES ME AND THE KITTEN. So what do i do to get chipper to like me again. HELP!!!!


I own an adult internet site and I need new young models. 18 to 23 or so. Send 2 or three nude photos with return email. I Do pay very well but there will be nudity. Hope to here from you soon.

french model from Paris

Hi, I would be pleased to give some informations about model business in Paris. Have you got some ? Bye

I have the look and I would like to put it on the market

I model for my university right now but I would love to take it to another level. I have a great walk and smile. I am 5'7 and 130lbs.

South American model

hi i am interested in modeling. I am 19 years old, 95 lb and 5 ft; i live in Los Angeles, California. I have an exotic look that appeals to the camera. my email address is
