medical hold
i already asked this question before but i was a little unclear. my boyfriend passed the physical here but when he went there he found out that he was having a hard time doing situps because of his rib. Now he said that he still has to do things. So does he have to stay longer or what does this mean? Thanks for anyone who helps.
I am reading the Book of Mormon for the first time and I have a lot of questions. I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to answer them from the Mormon point of view. Please let me know.
One thing that is true in life.
Life eats Life.
You can not have life without it.
This is a natural fact.
If it was natural to just eat GREEN vegitarian foods then you would not need any vitamins sicne some veggies lack in certain nutrition benefits.
But I say if you want to just eat green for 6 months then this is a very healthy thing but to never go back to meat is a bad health choice. Instead buy healthy meat such at TRADER JOES food markets that are springin up all around the USA.
Happy Helthy Eating!
Peeing cat
We have a cat around 3-4 years old who pees on the walls......she was fixed at the usual age (12 weeks??) but seems to have developed an aversion to peeing in her litterbox. She has two litterboxes, and still uses the walls! She used to stand in the litterbox and pee outside it, so we got her one with a lid and a door, she peed out of the door! Now we use a rubbermaid type box with high walls, so she stopped even attempting to use it! Help!! We are at our wits end. We tried spray stuff from the pet store and as soon as we stopped using it, she started again. We shut her in the basement at night and she pees on the wall/carpet there, any suggestions?????
I have a cat, whe is 3 and lately she has been meowing all the time for no reason. And when I say all the time I mean all the time and shs is loud. I thought she was lonely so I adopted anohter cat but that didnt help. She is driving us crazy, someone please help!
looking for work
I'M 19 5'7
34 B
35 HIPS looking to get my modeling career
started can you help?
Re: Wanting to contact any other dancers
Hi, Im an Australian dancer who has been dancing for 10 years now. I have performed in quite a few things including the Opening Ceremony for the 2000 Olympics. I was in the Eternity Tap section.
So if there are any other dancers out there who would be willing to talk to me, could you please either reply here or send me an e-mail.
Looking for modeling work in Western Ma
I'm Alicia. I'm 21 years old, 5'8", 120 lbs. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and am looking for modeling work in western ma. I've never modeled before but am anxious to start. This pictures are pretty old, but it gives you some idea.
me trying to get in the business of modeling
hi my name is Dana Brown and i'm too is trying to start a career in modeling .I'm 16 years old and be 17 on June 27 . I'm 5,5 weight about 115 naturally . No matter how much i eat i can't gain alot of weight . So i figure since i'm so small i meet as well but use to it by becoming a model. I'm very pretty and also have a unique look i come from a family of beautiful women and very smart. i have the potenial to be a model and i think i could be another please give me a chance my name is Dana Brown and i'm 16 i be 17 on june 27.i live in richmond , va i go kennedy high so look me up and please give me a chance.
looking for models in so calif
Hi Im looking for models in so calif to do TFP no experience necessary im in so calif area and will travel. when replying state city your in, send any pics you might have thanks hope to work with you soon Mike e-mail me at