Line upon line

There is a wide variety of knowledge and understanding of church doctrine, not just among non-Mormons, but among the Mormons as well. Even IdahoSpud, who "used to be a Mormon" didn't understand the timeline of the Book of Mormon. The contents of the Brass Plates and the plates of Ether are explained at the very beginning of the Book of Mormon. There is a page entitled "A brief explanation of the Book of Mormon", even before the actual text starts. ( This is pretty basic doctrine. But there are a lot of Mormons who don't even know that much about the doctrine. (i.e. IdahoSpud) This is in itself not such a bad thing... it just means they have not gotten to that point yet. There is a LOT of doctrine that is more important than which plates had which stories and approximately what year they were written. And even THAT is more important than whether Christ was married or whether God has celestial sex for all eternity. Let me list some concepts that it might be more important to learn about: Importance of Christ to our salvation Godhead Will we be punished for Adam's sins? Atonement of Christ Plan of salvation Obedience to laws and ordinances of the Gospel Faith Repentance Baptism Holy Ghost How are men called of God Organization of the church Revelation Bible as the Word of God Religious Tolerance Obedience to the laws of the land Piety, charity, virtue Salvation of the dead Word of Wisdom Tithing ... the list goes on. There are a lot of basic concepts that investigators are taught before they are even considered for church membership. I believe the concept of Lucifer being a brother of Christ in the pre-existance is part of the Plan of Salvation, and is important enough to be taught fairly early, but it should not surprise you that the concept of Heavenly Mother or whether Jesus had wives is not usually discussed with investigators--unless they ask. Not that it is a secret or that we are embarrassed or anything, it's just that there are so many things that are more important to discuss. I will tell you from personal experience that Polygamy is often brought up by investigators due to its widespread publicity, and Mormons are usually not too shy about discussing it. You guys seem to think that some of these more controversial subjects are a bad thing, and should be exposed. Well I'll do you a favor and post a link to a website that claims to be "All about Mormons". Follow the link to "Response to Criticism", and you can read lots of stuff about these and other controversial questions. And anyone who wants to see possible answers to your questions can read some stuff there, too.

Using buymeds under a different name....

Someone once said that you could order from buymeds under a different name and they would ship your meds sooner that the 25 day wait...i've tried putting a different name, address, phone number, everything, and it still says i'm a returning customer.. i do not understand....i'm not even using the same credit card number... what's the deal??? how can i do it??


I would appreciate any information. I became a vegetarian cold turkey 14 months ago. I will admit that while I do try to include as much protein in my diet as possible, I simply do not have the time to prepare the kind of meals that I probably should to compensate for the lack of meat. Well as of a month ago I started noticing my hair shedding and in some cases coming out in clumps. Is there a good chance this is related to my diet and if so what is a good and easy to prepare source of protein. Thanks


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Who sings the song with the words, she doesn't know she is beatiful. . . ???

A message from God: Religion and politics don't mix

Someone wanted me to post this message: To whom it may concern, I used to be called Yaweh, some of you know me as Jehovah, and to some of you I am Allah. Whatever you want to call me, I am God Almighty, Creator of Everything (well, almost everything), blah, blah, blah... You know who I am, though I wonder if you really know me, but that's a different story. I'm addressing all of you today because I'm a bit concerned about y'all. Let me begin by saying, it's been 200,000 years since I created you and I see you're still playing your war games and throwing my name around like its going out of style (hello, it is out of style). I know, it's my fault about the wars, but those were different times and I was experimenting. When I saw the error of my ways I sent you Buddha, but he never quite caught on in the west, until recently (and don't even get me started on hippies). Some of you aren't comfortable with the idea of me not being in the picture. So, I tried again and I sent you my son Jesus Christ. And what did you do? You crucified him! He was supposed to spread the Word of love and peace and forgiveness, not die on a cross! Since then I've tried to let keep my godly hands out of your bloody messes. I'm very concerned by what's going on in the presidential elections. It seems that recently presidential candidates McCain and Obama created a spectacle on -of all networks- CNN, when they addressed questions about their faith and religious viewpoints, and how they affect their political ideas. Didn't they get the memo? Religion and politics don't mix(see First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution). It's passe... Things got really ridiculous when the question of evil was brought in to the conversation. The candidates were asked what each would do in the face of "evil"(I really can't believe CNN went there): Obama said he'd "confront it". McCain said he'd "defeat it". I say, who cares what either of these two clowns thinks about evil. Has anyone heard of separation of church and state? It's an inappropriate question to ask a presidential candidate in a constitutional democracy. Besides, all of you know what to do about "evil", you cease the evil-doing (see Iraq occupation, off-shore drilling, etc), and seek redemption. It's not to be debated on cable television by power-hungry men in suits; it cheapens the Word of my son J.C. and it's an insult to the democratic process. Enough with the pandering, CNN and all other sensationalist news media. This is politics not the church pulpit, so stop wasting people's time with pointless debates about morality. Nobody is 100 per cent moral, and all of you are evil to some degree (some more than others, I'm talking to you President Mugabe). I gave you all a moral compass (have you forgotten the Ten Commandments?) and free will, I suggest you use it at this upcoming election. That's all for now. Keep your prayers coming... God

Modeling Job Wanted!

My name is Ali. I am an 18 year old female - 5'1, Very Pretty - athletic figure (Gymnast & Surfer) Amazing hair. Looking to be either a model or a hair model. Pictures available. Please email to enquire for more information. Thanks!

connection between low protien and depression

My daughter has been a vegetarian since she was around 13...she started showing signs of depression shortly after that (she is now 26)and still battles with it. I have been reading about the lowering of the seritona (sp?) levels in the brain with the lowering of protien in the diet. Any information or suggestions would be appreciated!

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