The Xmas holiday is a time of joy, hanging with family, dreams, miracles, for some people church, for some sleeping in – and for some the joy in giving things to other people. Oh, be real – for many (especially kids) it’s about getting stuff you really want for free. Want a WiiU? Beg and drop obvious hints (if not just outright tell) to your parents to get you one. Want a iPhone? Beg Santa on Santa’s (your family member’s) work phone. Keep on and expect it to be right under that tree.
But late Night Show with Jimmy Kimble decided to twist this expectation. Instead of caving to your child’s requests for expensive things, give them absolute crap for the big day. Crap like food, old clothing, baking mix –stuff that no one in their right mind would gift anyone especially children. Then video tape it and send it in.
This premise in its self-sounded cruel yet was very revealing when you watched the kids reactions.