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Top 5 Reasons for the 2012 Obama Re-election
Top 5 Reasons for the 2012 Obama Re-election
1.) The assassination of Usama (Osama) Bin Laden - a feat that was not accomplished by the previous oil/war hungry administration. The pictures have yet to be released and any "consequences" (so-called by the media) are still to be realized but this is a pretty big fricken thing.
2) Health Care Reform or "Obamacare" - which will help bridge the gap for the millions of men, women, and children in this country who would not otherwise have access to it (due to expense, chronic illness, disease, or otherwise)
3.) The pending Repeal of DADT (Don't Ask Dont Tell - Pub.L. 103-160 (10 U.S.C. § 654), which was originally intended as a compromise introduced by President Bill Clinton in 1993. This compromise made it so that gays and lesbians could serve - just in silence, which at the time was better than banning service members all together.
4.) Massive Banking and Financial Reform (in particular the "National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and reform") - which is helping clean up the mess George W. Bush and the previous Republican administration were allowed to create though years of deregulation. After many scary years we are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Also of note the $26 billion aid to States package and Jobs for Main Street Act which are both helping to soften the blow that was given to the American people by gangster CEO's (with the consent - a wink and a nod I'm sure, of George Bush).
5.) Transparency and Accountability - something the people did not have for the previous 8 years when the race to take away everyones civil liberties was at hand.
As I am sure you are aware there are many more reasons - and likely more to come - but I think these will be the main 5 reasons, we as a country, will welcome President Barack Obama back for another 4 more years in 2012.