Incorporate Your Uterus

Incorporate Your Uterus

Do you ever think about how big businesses often have more rights—and definitely more representatives and favors being filled—than, say, individual people? It’s highly ironic that so many businesses can pollute the environment, sell us things that kill us, bypass taxes, fire people on a whim, revoke pensions, and so many other acts—while a woman’s uterus is under constant surveillance and regulation battles within the U.S. government! Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

The UCLA thinks so. They’ve issued a statement regarding all of the anti-choice laws being passed in Florida, saying that if s woman wants to keep her uterus private and out of government control, she may just have to incorporate it—you know, to give it business rights. What a fantastic idea! If it’s privatized, they certainly can’t touch it, right? I mean, that’s the excuse they always use when a business does something deplorable, so why don’t we use it with our own health?

With that in mind, women can now join My Uterus Inc, or MUI, which will be exempt from any and all health regulations. While this may be just a tongue-in-cheek exercise in proving how ridiculous it is that businesses are less regulated than women’s bodies in this archaic country, it’s actually a pretty amazing idea. I hope they really go through with it; I’d be sure to buy some stock in…my own uterus.

Click here to find out more about the campaign. Be sure to share it with your fellow uterus-bearers.