
Pennsylvania, Florida and the Popular Vote

Let's see the Supreme Court overturn ... Federalism :- )


At Five Thirty Eight, super-statistician Nate Silver takes his Baseball Prospectus skills over to a slightly more important venue.  His sophisticated forecast model had President Obama with a  .... wait for it ... 92.0% chance to win as of Monday night.  Five Thirty Eight (named after the electoral college count) provided Obama supporters with a soothing sense of reassurance during Gov. Romney's surge in late October.

Top mathemeticians who support Romney ... sorry, don't have the links on the tip of my keyboard's tongue ... accused Silver of changing his day-by-day poll weighting to boost Obama's probabilities, so as to bolster confidence and momentum.  Silver responded that he doesn't believe in political momentum and challenged Joe Scarborough to a bet on the election.  We notice that he didn't offer 12:1 odds, though.  :- )

Dick Morris was a close friend of Bill Clinton and has since turned attack dog against the Democrats.  He used the Chick-Fil-A logic to predict a huge Romney win:  that social conservatives, resenting President Obama's liberalism, would turn out in force.  However, as of 6:00 pm PST Monday night, Morris' tweets were panicky.


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