
Profile: Belle Gunness

  • Full Name – Belle Sorenson Gunness
  • Nickname – Hell’s Belle
  • Born – November 11, 1859
  • Location of Activity – Illinois and Indiana, U.S.
  • Years of Activity – before 1900? to 1908
  • Number of Kills – 40+
  • Date of Death – Unknown
  • Cause of Death – Unknown

Born in the mid-19th century in Norway, Belle Sorenson Gunness’s life was rather normal at the start.  She was the daughter of a stonemason and the youngest of eight children.  In 1881, she would save money and pay her way to America.  She moved to Chicago, Illinois and was married.  The couple started a business, but this proved to be a failure.  Later, the business would end up burning down, leaving the couple with enough insurance money to move on and start their life from scratch.


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