
Eyewitness reliability

If this is what we depend on for convictions, we are totally screwed.

My eyes play tricks on me all of the time. I am nearsighted, but I have very good glasses that provide me with nearly 20/20 vision in both eyes (one does have astigmatism). My daughter has the same issues, same eyes, with a similar prescription.

“Mom, why does it look like I have two hands when I wave my hand really fast in front of my face?” she asked me at dinner the other night. I tried my best to explain how her fast hand was too fast for her eyes to see, how our eyes really process images upside-down, and that she was seeing both where her hand was as well as where it is now every time she waved, but I think I did a pretty poor job of it. Even so, she seemed to get it, and remarked how our eyes sure play tricks on us sometimes.


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