And those who buy it for them should be… covered in spit-up.
I read that not only is Dolce & Gabbana manufacturing a new perfume for babies (unisex so all babies can be covered in the chemicals!), but apparently lots of perfume manufacturers already make these perfumes as well. Along with a bunch of designers I’ve never heard, of, Johnson & Johnson are also apparently making baby perfume. (I’m guessing this is separate from their normal perfumes, which I used to wear as a teen.)
Do I even have to state how wrong this is? I am wondering if this is a by-product of all of this Honey Boo Boo nightmare stuff on TLC (why is it called that, again? I haven’t learned anything from the network in years—except maybe the fact that I want to bleach my eyes after accidently seeing it). Since when do babies need to smell like perfume—and since when did parents buy chemicals to pour on their babies?