
Twenty states offer petitions to secede from the United States

The South still has trouble accepting that they lost the Civil War—and, apparently, the 2012 election.

Prior to the 2012 Presidential Election, the news that 51 percent of the population is prejudice against black people struck my heart with horror. I know that such hatred is commonplace, but half of the nation? Really? It’s worse than disgusting and depressing and infuriating; it’s all three wrapped up and more.

Now, after so many people are so outraged with Barack Obama as their president, many are threatening to leave for Canada. I did the same thing myself when GWII was re-elected; instead, I think I just drank a bunch of rum and stayed in bed for two days. But now we have all of these fun people petitioning to secede from the country because of the election results.

It’s just like your best friend screaming, “Give me your toy or I’m not your friend anymore!”

When you’re six.


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