Lots of things bring out the intense side of people. Of those things, the ones that probably stand out the most are religion, politics and, of course, sex. People often have no way to vent and so turn to Craigslist as an anonymous place to voice their frustrations. Whether they’re just looking to scream and shout or are actually trying to gain something from it, they all seem to post something. Some of these are just purely offensive, the products of unstable minds (of which there seem to be quite a few on the Internet). Others are genuine people with actual needs who simply can’t seem to contain themselves. And still others are just assholes pretending to be intense about something that they don’t really care about, simply for the sake of shock value.
I’ve put together a few interesting posts that I’ve managed to find this week. The first couple I fished out of the politics section and the last three I found lurking in the dating area of Craigslist (when in doubt, look to the hook-ups, there’s always something amusing there).
So, without further ado, enjoy the raving madness.