
Reasons to buy Girl Scout cookies

Besides, how could you say no to those faces?

It’s cookie sales time in the Girl Scout world, which means that you’re bound to be asked by a little girl in a be-patched uniform (my daughter included) to buy a box of cookies, please. Maybe you made a resolution to not eat sweets this year, or you don’t even like the cookies much. They’re only $3.50 a box, however, and they’re for such a good cause. They fund camps, Girl Scouts programs, programs for Scouts whose mothers are in jail, and so many more worthy endeavors. If you need a reason to buy cookies this cookie season, here are a few you might want to consider.

You can cook with them. There are tons of Girl Scout cookie recipes all over the web. Just google the type of cookie you have alongside the term “recipes” and you will find dozens of ways to use them.

They freeze. So if you want to skip them now and enjoy them down the road or serve them at a spring party, you can do just that without feeling guilty.


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