
Is Fox going to fire me? No!

But I might decide to quit.
That liberal bastion of ivory tower Lamestream Media the Huffington Post thinks that Fox is about to kick me off the air. They could not be more wrong, and I will tell you why: Because I said so, that's why.
Huff-and-puffington Post says Roger Ailes is mad because I announced my lack of candidacy on a radio show instead of on Fox. But so what? The medium is not the message! I am the message! And whatever I say, it reflects well on Fox. That is how these things work. Besides, they don't own me. I mean, in a literal sense they do, since they hold the purse strings or whatever. But I would never bite the hand that feeds me dollars. I'm not that stupid.
Second, Roger Ailes thinks that I am hot. He has said so right there in public. And men do not fire women that they think are hot. Good thing I'm so pretty! That is why I was so insistent that Bristol get all that plastic surgery. I think it is totally reasonable that a young lady should have her face surgically resculpted into more of a heart shape. If God didn't want us to reshape our faces, He would not have invented plastic surgeons. LOL!!!


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