That liberal bastion of ivory tower Lamestream Media the Huffington Post thinks that Fox is about to kick me off the air. They could not be more wrong, and I will tell you why: Because I said so, that's why.
Huff-and-puffington Post says Roger Ailes is mad because I announced my lack of candidacy on a radio show instead of on Fox. But so what? The medium is not the message! I am the message! And whatever I say, it reflects well on Fox. That is how these things work. Besides, they don't own me. I mean, in a literal sense they do, since they hold the purse strings or whatever. But I would never bite the hand that feeds me dollars. I'm not that stupid.
Second, Roger Ailes thinks that I am hot. He has said so right there in public. And men do not fire women that they think are hot. Good thing I'm so pretty! That is why I was so insistent that Bristol get all that plastic surgery. I think it is totally reasonable that a young lady should have her face surgically resculpted into more of a heart shape. If God didn't want us to reshape our faces, He would not have invented plastic surgeons. LOL!!!