

Progressive actions to take today

Add your name to the campaigns you’re interested in.

Okay, all of my blue state friends (and friends who wish you lived in a blue state, like me)—here are a few political issues this week that we need to speak up about! Please scan through and see if any of these campaigns are interesting or meaningful to you. If so, how about taking a few moments of your day to speak up?

Protect children in Burma

Most blue voters cannot stand human rights abuses; I know I can’t! Please click here to learn about how children, women, and other Burmese citizens are at-risk of being harmed by their local government and military and how you can help.

Support an Arms Treaty

Many progressives want to either abolish weapons entirely, or to at least ensure that they don’t land into the wrong hands. The arms trade is a $60 billion industry that needs to be regulated as soon as possible, and diplomats are meeting right now to discuss just that. Click here to learn more and ask that this important treaty be passed. You can also help by ensuring gun-loving relatives that this Treaty has nothing to do with the Second Amendment or their rights, but with the arming of international human rights abusers.


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