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Terms of Use
Terms of Use
1. Acceptance of Terms
Klat invites you to join our online community through reading, writing, commenting, and participation on our network of sites. Use of Klat services is subject to the following Terms of Use (TOU) which is subject to revision at any time, with or without notice. The most recent version of the TOU is available for viewing at http://klat.com/terms-of-use .
The Klat network of sites and services are operated, maintained, and offered as a service by NeonGecko.com Inc. without warranty of any kind.
2. Klat Services Description
Klat provides an open internet community space to post, read, write, and participate in conversations about a broad variety of topics. Additionally, Klat provides a suite of communication tools, some of which are convered by US Patent Number 7,424,516 covering Adaptive Forums Technology.
3. Content
Content on the Klat network of websites is submitted by multiple authors, each of whom is responsible for the contents of any material submitted. Klat will not knowingly accept or publish protected works, illegal materials, or other materials that do not meet the standards outlined below under the "Code of Conduct". Users of the Klat network of sites agree not to post materials for which they do not have appropriate rights or innapropriate material. Klat.com specifically disclaims responsibility for use of third party copyrighted material or trademarks, but will switfly remove any material identified as infringing or belonging to a third party. Users agree that any submitted material is subject to modification, editing, or deletion by Klat staff. Additionally, material submitted to klat sites may be displayed on other klat sites. All original content posted to Klat sites is protected by copyright under US and international copyright law. Content on Klat sites may not be published or reproduced without written permission by Klat. NeonGecko.com Inc., Klat.com, Klat, and the names of all websites provided by NeonGecko.com Inc. are trademarks of NeonGecko.com Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4. Code of Conduct
All users of Klat services agree to at all times abide by the following rules governing content, conduct, and uses of Klat services:
Appropriate Content
- Users are fully responsible for the contents in any material they submit. Abuse of any of the following or preceeding rules may result in removal of material, and loss of membership or use of Klat services.
- Users shall not submit copyrighted or protected materials.
- Users shall not submit material that in any way violates local, state, federal, or international laws.
- Users shall not submit materials advertising illegal goods or services.
- Users shall not submit materials or advertising for pornography or obsecene material.
- Users shall not submit materials that in any way harassass or endanger individuals.
- Users shall not submit any material that may be considered spam, junk mail, or unsolicited advertisments.
- Users shall not submit material that may be considered advertising.
- Users shall not include link referral codes or any matter related to affiate marketing in their content.
Appropriate Conduct
- Users shall treat other users with respect and will not engage in any harassing behaivior.
- Users shall not impersonate other users or individuals.
- Users shall not publish private or identifying information about other users or individuals.
- Users shall not contact or harass any user that does not wish to be contacted.
Appropriate Uses
Klat sites are not to be used as platforms for advertising, commercial uses, or any use that violates terms listed above.
5. Refusal of Service or Termination of Accounts
Klat reserves the right to remove, restrict, or terminate user accounts and/or access to service at any time for any reason. Any and all user submitted content is subject to modification or deletion at any time for any reason.