
The Craigslist Files #165 - Local News

Less news, more bitching, complaining and advertisements


For some reason, it never fails to surprise me - the fact that Craigslist is just a huge jumble of seemingly random posts placed in seemingly random locations throughout a huge array of often-vague categories.  No matter which section you wander into, there’s inevitably something that just doesn’t belong.  Some are better kept than others, but those aren’t the fun ones, now are they?  The more vague the category, the better the random element and, as a consequence, the more fun one can have looking at the “WTF?” posts that end up in the cracks and crevices of this site.

This week around, I decided to take a trip into the “Community” section.  More specifically, I went into the “Local News” area.  One might think this to be some sort of helpful resource that people who live in a particular area could use to find out what’s going on in their area, communicate important information about what might be of interest to people in their community or get help from their neighbors.  But, like all of Craigslist, the posters are left to interpret “Local News” however they wish and post pretty much whatever they please in this area as well as most others.


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