Shelties can be incredibly tuned in to their owners, and this is so apparent to anyone who does dog sports with her dog. They may pick up on emotions that we don't even realize we are feeling. In this way, the Shelties can act as our emotional barometers during training or competing.
It can be tricky at times to decipher what the dog's behavior is telling us about our own emotional state. Here are a few things to consider: if your Sheltie is yawning, she is sending a calming signal. In her eyes you may be acting agitated, and she hopes you will relax.
If your Sheltie starts to sniff more then usual, she may be feeling very pressured and stressed, and she may be reacting to your stress. If this happens when you are training, consider taking a break and playing. Sniffing is also a cue that she may need to potty, so consider a quick walk.