
Rush Limbaugh opines on Hurricane Sandy

Continues to willfully misinform his listeners on the facts

As you might expect, Rush Limbaugh could only stay silent for so long. On October 30, the day after the hurricane devastated New Jersey and New York, Rush took to the airwaves to indignantly declare that this freak superstorm was NOT - repeat, NOT - the result of global warming.

Limbaugh continued his common misunderstanding of global warming by trotting out a joke about how it snows whenever Al Gore shows up to speak on the topic. As most non-idiots know, global warming doesn't mean "everything gets warmer." It means "more energy in the system," which equates to bigger droughts, bigger snow storms, and bigger hurricanes. Bigger everything, basically, whether it's hot or cold.
Rush says he hasn't heard much about this storm being related to global warming, and he concludes that this is because global warming has been "proven to be a hoax." He cites the University of East Anglia incident. He goes on to say that global warming is "a political issue. It's not science."


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