
Airport security results in public nudity


Ever since 9/11, the security measures taken at the airports across America have been unbearable. Immediately after 9/11, it was understood and even welcomed to a degree. The problem is that it has continued to become more and more ridiculous with each and every passing year.

Airport stripper - nude, not lewd?

Right after 9/11, I took a flight to Monterey, California. I had to be in line two and half hours early and it was long and frustrating yet I understood. A few years went by and I flew out to Nashville, Tennessee. This time I had to be checked in three hours early and in addition to walking through the metal detector, I had to remove my shoes. This was tiring and frustrating as well, but the difference was that I no longer understood. The 9/11 attack was, at that time, nine years ago.


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