Why you need to keep your kids away from the video camera
As I’ve stated many times before in an effort to warn the population of the potential dangers - “Video cameras are easily available to anyone!” The end result of such a proliferation of handheld recording devices is a YouTube crammed with some of the stupidest people doing some of the stupidest things. I’ve already gone over several types of these people and the idiocy they manage when placed in front of a recording device, in hopes that you will be able to identify and avoid them. But now I must attempt to get to the root of the problem - children.
Kids can get a hold of cameras just as easily as adults and, just like adults, once they step in front of the lens they are dumbstruck. They attempt to mimic the actions of those older than them and are just as adept at posting their videos as the elder generation (more so in many cases). And so all this mess ends up on YouTube, usually in bite-sized, poorly recorded bits.
I have organized the following three videos as a warning to parents - keep your kids away from the cameras! For the love of God and all that is holy, please just wait until they get older and may actually injure themselves, so we can at least enjoy their misery instead of just having to endure their aimless hyperactivity.