Being Pregnant is More Dangerous Than Getting an Abortion

Being Pregnant is More Dangerous Than Getting an Abortion

Now tell us something less obvious, amirite?

Given the plethora of statistics we’ve been provided about how dangerous it is to have a baby—even in the United States, where you might think that it would be safe by now—it’s no surprise that an official study has been released saying that abortion is safer than childbirth. As a woman who nearly died and lost her own child during my pregnancy, I can vouch for how scary this is, and how seriously it needs to be taken.

Now all of the people who claim they are against abortion not because they hate women and want to keep them barefoot and in the kitchen but because they are supposedly concerned for their health since abortion is like, so dangerous, can stfu.

I should not have to maintain that nobody is “pro-abortion,” and that everyone would love to live in a world where it’s not needed—you know, a world where men respect women, do not rape them, and women and men are provided 100% effective birth control, along with comprehensive sex education, comprehensive health plans, 100% safe pregnancies that aren’t affected by disease…need I go on? But until we have that day, we’re going to need abortion readily available for anyone who needs it, and now it’s been proven that it’s actually safer than childbirth.

So people like Rick Santorum, who will never, ever face a pregnancy—unplanned or otherwise—in their entire lives but nevertheless cheerily say that rape victims should make the best out of a bad situation by going through such a process, should now admit that they are calling for victims of rape and incest to further endanger themselves and risk their lives a second time after the act of rape, since it’s safer for them to have an abortion. If a victim chooses to carry out her pregnancy, so be it; but it can no longer be argued that it’s a safer choice for her than abortion. If she chooses to abort, her odds of not being sick or dying are actually improved.

I am not saying that we all need to call for abortions for every woman now; I’m only highlighting the fact that A. this old rhetoric is now null and void (though we all knew it was to begin with) and B. that we need to keep the option available and accessible more than ever now that we are sure it’s safer for women. So that also means that people like Michelle Bachmann who are going around saying that abortion will be illegal in a year need to stfu as well and leave the medical procedure up to the people who will be considering or needing it, and do the thing they call for so often—get their noses out of other people’s private lives.