
YouTube Nation - In their own words

Video access to smart people saying smart things.

Most in the world have heroes, people that have influenced the turns that their lives have taken and formed them into the personalities that they eventually became.  Those heroes affect us through the things that they do, whether they be artistic, political, humanitarian or otherwise.  We listen to the words of these unique and often popular individuals and form our opinions out of what they have to say and they in this way inspire us to push ourselves and pursue our dreams.

In the quest for more of their words, we often turn to articles and interviews or, if we have the opportunity, go see them speak in public.  Many of these people, our heroes, travel the country or the world in order to talk about what interests them the most and offer up advice for the youth who wish to follow in their footsteps.  Universities, conventions and all manner of other events host these great people and give them the chance to share what they’ve learned in their long years.

Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to take the trip to see someone when they happen to be speaking.  Most of us have to content ourselves to the limited bits of interviews or what-not that manage to filter our way.  The coming of YouTube has changed this, however.  Now more than ever it is possible to find our heroes ready and waiting in the form of some video or another.  Some of these are broadcast directly by the person themselves, while others are recorded by fans and admirers who happened to get to an event where said person was speaking.

My own passions consist of writing and acting, and so I’ve pulled a few video samples of some of my own heroes talking about the things that are important to them.


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