

Homeless man loses six foot python in Seattle park

Cowen Park visitors advised to be on the lookout

Ah summer, the only season in the year when a python lost in a Seattle park would have even a remote chance of surviving. Unfortunately this is exactly what has happened: a man (reportedly a homeless man) was hanging out in Seattle's Cowen Park, a popular neighborhood destination bounded by 15th Ave NE on the east, and Ravenna Boulevard on the south. He set down his six foot long yellow reticulated python, and when he turned back, the snake was gone.

Police and Animal Control officials have posted signs warning the public of the danger. Reticulated pythons are not venomous, but a six-foot snake could easily be a threat to a cat, a small dog, or a toddler. 
Apparently people have spotted this man with his python in the park in the past. I'm sure it's difficult to miss a scruffy-looking guy hanging out with a six foot yellow snake. 
According to reports, he does not seem to be a particularly responsible pet owner. One commenter on the Seattle Times website reports that the man "once left 3 dead rats in the grass along with a bunch of plastic bags with dates on them, I assume they were frozen and dated and brought out for food."


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