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Supercut: 2 minutes of cats attacking door stoppers
Supercut: 2 minutes of cats attacking door stoppers
Battle to the death!
Door stoppers, those funny springy things that make a wacky noise, are apparently irresistible to some of our feline friends. Check out this hilarious video complied of home videos of cats battling door stoppers to the death! My favorites are the ones where cats reach under the doors to grab the stoppers.
A word of caution: door stoppers are not intended as a cat toy. If your cat is obsessed with door stoppers, keep an eye on it. Cats have been known to chew the rubber ends off the stopper, which can cause an expensive trip to the emergency room to get it surgically removed before it causes an intestinal blockage.
But for the most part, if your cat likes playing with door stoppers, have fun playing with them! Play is an important part of any cat's life, and finding something entertaining attached to the wall is a great example of how cats are masters of improvisation.