
Collagen lips: yay or nay?

Are your lips big enough?

Slate just ran a great feature about the growing lips of women; the writer did not discuss whether the lips were getting looser, but instead reflected on the size of the lips and which woman inspired others to surgically or collgenically (my word, not theirs) enhance their lips. 

According to the Slate writer who was under the direct tutelage of a very pro-cosmetic surgery Vogue editor for a number of years, Angelina Jolie’s apparently luscious lips also inspired the collagen lip infusion with copy cats everywhere. 


Are big lips a positive trend in the world? Should we all be searching for Groupons for collagen? 


Maybe yes and maybe no. It’s difficult to say because big lips don’t look as good on everyone’s face. Obviously women under a certain age look fantastic with a little lush added to their lips, but women over the age of seventy might not want to wear so much lipstick and/or lip gloss with their collagen-infused lips lest someone confuse them for Stiffler’s great aunt as these images (also from the Slate article) will attest to. 


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