It is crunch time now with the tight race that is on. Fresh off an impressive third debate, the President will look to capitalize. As for the last debate, it is quite obvious that at this time it was only important to sway undecided voters.
The question is how many of those who are undecided actually watched? There was Monday Night Football and playoff baseball airing at the same time. There was also cleaning to be done and the kids' homework to be finished.
For Obama to win he needs to make sure he gets more Americans to cast their ballots. This is not going to be easy as we 'the world's most successful democracy' had a 57 percent voter turnout in 2008 which was actually the highest since 1968. Republicans are charged up as opposed to Democrats and it seems likely that the low-income earners (Obama voters mostly) may need to be really convinced to exercise democracy's greatest privilege.
President Obama has been aggressive and has criticized the Romney campaign quite a bit. But Democrats might want to urge the President to not come off sounding so desperate. This has cost incumbents in previous elections.