
YouTube Nation: Showing off

Because some people want the world to see how big of a douchebag they are

Human beings are one of those species that takes pride in showing off whatever they have that others don’t.  Maybe this is some sort of mating ritual, similar to the way peacocks and other brightly colored birds do it, but when you have the brain to understand what’s going on, it really just looks kinda pathetic.  Now that we have instant video, on demand and available at any time, YouTube has become a place where the egos can go to expand themselves across the entirety of the world.  Pretty much everyone can tune in and watch these people being obnoxious concerning whatever they feel about themselves is superior to the rest of the world.

The only benefit of this added range for show-offs is that you at least don’t have to have them up in your face about it.  Their egos are thankfully many hundreds or thousands of miles away.  Plus, you can always turn it off when you want, whereas in real life these types of people generally just don’t shut up, even if you beg on hands and knees.  And besides, the idea of watching someone show off across the internet is actually pretty damn funny.  While they’re hoping to make some people jealous, I think what really ends up happening is that they make people snicker and shake their heads.

Here are a few people that feel the need to let the world know about their cars, muscles and money - the holy triumvirate of picking up chicks.


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