
YouTube Nation: Crazy People

Portable cameras bring the crazy people of our world into our homes

Crazy people are everywhere, there’s no denying that.  As the world gets larger and more populated, the natural course of events demands that the ratio be kept up, meaning that every year produces more and more of these folks.  Some are annoying, just normal people acting like lunatics because something happened to piss them off.  Others are truly mentally disturbed and just doing what comes natural to them.  And the bigger the city, the more of these crazy people seem to be around.

Normally, you only have to experience the madness every once in a while, although the chance of craziness making its way into your day increases if you happen to take public transportation.  But now, with portable cameras in every phone, this fun-filled occurrence can be brought to you in the comfort of your own home.  Thanks to YouTube, all the bits of life that generally make you dread leaving the house each day are made a little more palatable by the fact that there’s a computer monitor between you and the raving lunatics of the world.  Here are some videos of crazy people doing crazy things that you can watch without fear.


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