
YouTube Nation - Fan Tribute

Creative fans paying homage to the things that they love


Most of the time when someone enjoys a television show or a movie, they just watch it a lot, maybe spam their Facebook page with quotes and pictures and perhaps bug people all day long, trying to talk to anyone at all that loves the artwork as much as they do.  But others are more creative in showing their devotion and YouTube combined with the prevalence of video camera technology just makes it easier and easier to put together your own home presentation.

Some choose to remake old properties, either shot-by-shot or with a little bit of creative work thrown in.  Others make tributes to their beloved television shows and movies, taking part in the creative process and expanding upon a story that has already touched them.  Sometimes, these videos are quite amusing and other times they can be closer to train wrecks.  This week I decided that I’d look to the ones that I thought were well made, or at least made with good intentions.


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