
Hold an Alex’s Lemonade Stand for cancer research

Want to make a difference this fall? Here’s what you do.

Cancer research is expensive. It takes about $50 for a single hour of research—four to five times what the average American makes an hour. But imagine what could happen in that hour if we all tried to raise $50 or more to help cure cancer. Most of us have been touched by cancer at some point, and most of us care deeply about finding a cure.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand, an organization started by a young girl, Alex Scott, who had cancer, exists just to do that. It’s very simple: just hold your own lemonade stand and send the proceeds to the organization once you’re finished. Though Alex sadly passed away, her legacy lives on and encourages kids not just to help other kids with cancer, but to take leadership, citizenship and entrepreneurship roles in their community.


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