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About klaT.com
We provide our community of websites to be a place to talk - and talk back. We call the hub of our community of websites klaT.com because klaT is talk spelled backwards! Our hundreds of unique websites provide original content that is shared - and customized to be relevant to each visitor. Our mission is to create new applications that enable large, close and efficient Internet communities worldwide; we do this by providing clear and appropriate content, and we do this each and every day.
"klaT" is based on our proprietary technology for implementing "Adaptive Forums" (US Patent #7,424,516). Our patented technology enables our blending online chat and forum content from across multiple websites to provide a stream of information relevant to each visitor.
Seattle, WA is home to klaT.com and our parent company Neongecko.com, Inc., which was formed in the year 2000.
Coporate Address:
500 Union Street
Suite 1005
Seattle, WA 98101